I’d love to help you get the right support for your child so they can enjoy learning and thrive at school.

To start, I will carry out a holistic, in-depth assessment of your child, looking at how they are performing in all their daily activities (playing, dressing, eating, toileting, washing, grooming, learning, accessing their community, etc.) and how any underlying difficulties they may have are affecting their ability to participate independently and happily.

I will then provide a report with a detailed analysis of their strengths and needs, which you can submit with your child’s EHC Plan application or with their annual review. Reports include clear recommendations of the provision and support they require to meet their potential and their goals.

I have extensive experience navigating the Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan system so I can offer support with whatever you need. I provide advice, guidance, advocacy and signposting to support parents through this process. I can also recommend other highly experienced therapists if your child needs assessment and support in other areas (for example, with their communication skills).  I currently have a 100% success rate with EHC plan applications, and all of my clients have received the provision I have recommended from their Local Authority.

Just email Louisa@SensoryChildren.co.uk and request a complimentary phone call to discuss how I can help you get the EHC Plan your child deserves!